Decoding Intent Data: How to Extract Valuable Insights from User Behavior


Introduction You’ll be astonished at how recognizing user behavior can improve your business and boost it to the top of the industry. While you can’t exactly tell what your customer thinks, you can shape your market strategies by studying their purchase behavior.  While conventional methods have results, they can be used more efficiently alongside intent […]

Navigating the Privacy Landscape: Ethical Use of Intent Data in Marketing


Have you ever gone through travel websites and been bombarded with hotel ads for the coming weeks afterward? Or perhaps you casually searched about a new fitness tracker, only to suddenly find yourself on social media posts promoting similar devices?  This targeted marketing approach is what we call Intent Data!  About 50% of marketers follow […]

Vertical Syndication: How to Tailor Your Content for Specific Industry Channels


Today’s business landscape is customer-centric, and the biggest challenge for businesses today is how to gain a competitive advantage! Amidst countless similar marketing options that are being used by almost everybody in a similar vertical, the question is, how do you foster a unique brand identity? How do you become the go-to option for your […]

Breaking Down Barriers: Overcoming Obstacles in the Buyer Journey


The buyer’s journey has evolved drastically over the past decade. Gone are the days of strolling into a store and being swayed by a cookie-cutter sales spiel.  Rather than waiting around, buyers begin a meticulous journey of self-education. Armed with the power of the internet, they dive into the vast sea of information, evaluate the […]

Data Privacy and Security in SaaS: Ensuring Trust in an Era of Cyber Threats


Cybercrime seems to have become the norm of the day, isn’t it? With every single entity having a trail of digital footprints, there’s not one who is safe from the threat of cybercrime. Digitalization has made business operations cloud-based, every intellectual property is somewhere secured within a password and a bunch of codes. In a […]

Intent Data and SEO: Strategies for Capturing High-Intent Traffic


The modern business landscape is highly customer-driven. Knowing what they want gives you a leg up in customizing your product just right. While it is next to impossible to know exactly what your customers think, it is possible to study their purchasing habits using intent data.  Now, how to reach them efficiently? The answer is […]

The Human Element in the Digital Buyer Journey: Building Authentic Connections


The digital buyer journey takes center stage in the present marketing landscape for businesses eager to reach their audience. The buyer journey isn’t just about transactions anymore; it’s about creating real connections that matter. As you navigate through this fast-paced vertical, it’s crucial to grasp the power of the human element in marketing.  90% of […]

The Rise of Micro-SaaS: How Small SaaS Companies are Making a Big Impact


Innovation with specialization – that’s micro-SaaS in a nutshell. Micro-SaaS refers to small-scale Software as a Service (SaaS) businesses that offer specialized solutions to niche markets. As part of the broader SaaS ecosystem, small SaaS businesses have emerged in response to the increasing demand for tailored software solutions and the evolution of cloud computing technology. […]

B2B SEO Strategies: Ranking Higher in Search Results


Gone are the days when keyword density could manipulate search engine rankings. Now that you’re up against big companies with a strong web presence, you have to be smarter about your SEO approach. As search engines evolve, uncovering keywords aligned with real user intent has become pivotal since the ‘age-old’ book of B2B SEO strategies […]

Beyond Email: Next-Level Tactics for B2B Demand Generation


Think back to a favorite childhood item that you once couldn’t get enough of, but now it’s gone. Many products like it are forgotten over time, not because they’re outdated, but because no one kept the memory alive. It’s the same with B2B demand generation. Whether your products are etched into the minds of the […]

Aligning Sales and Marketing for Effective Demand Generation


Remember fourth-grade geometry? You were introduced to ‘parallel lines’ and taught that they never met. In the B2B landscape, that’s how sales and marketing teams seem to be progressing. B2B sales and marketing collaboration is rare, but you need to be vigilant on this front. Sales might be in the driver’s seat, but the map […]

Understanding the SaaS Sales Funnel for Rapid Growth in Your Leads


Do you have childhood memories of treasure hunting or puzzle solving? And remember that often in those games, we would be mistaken and reach the wrong destination? Finding a solution to niche areas in business isn’t very different from that. Research shows that 96% of the buyers aren’t ready to buy and need nurturing through […]